FOMS Mission Statement
What do we do?
FOMS is Mossbrook School’s PTFA; we are a registered charity (No. 1168236) consisting primarily of staff members, although we also have some parents who attend our regular meetings and make a key contribution to our efforts. Our main focus is to improve the learning environments throughout the school, especially the outdoor areas, but this is a HUGE task!
The children who attend Mossbrook have a range of needs, particularly autism and SEMH difficulties; to reach their potential as healthy, happy, active members of the wider community, they need access to regular, high quality learning opportunities, with a wide variety of resources which will stimulate their senses as well as challenge their physical and intellectual skills.
FOMS holds regular events and maintains ongoing activities to raise both the school’s profile and the funds we need; this enables us to purchase essential play/sensory equipment and to support classes with the cost of trips or visitors. Our pupils come to school from all across the city, and their parents and families know the enormous gains to be had when their children are able to spend every day in an exciting, fulfilling environment.
We are always very keen to organise community events where our parents and carers can socialise at coffee mornings, fairs and fundraising events. We want to facilitate opportunities for them to meet each other, share their experiences and even speak to the FOMS committee who are committed to supporting them as well as their children.
All members of the wider school community are welcome to join us on the committee; we meet on the second Tuesday of every half term, after school – please do get in touch. Even if you are unable to be part of the regular FOMS group but feel you have ideas to contribute, or contacts who might be a source of funding for us, please do not hesitate to let us know at
We look forward to hearing from you.
Liz Koe and Emma Salisbury-Smith, Co-Chairs, Friends of Mossbrook School
Our Constitution
The FOMS consitution is based on the document developed by our sister organisation, Parentkind. You can view or download a copy here.