Friends of Mossbrook School (FOMS)
Mossbrook's Parents, Teachers & Friends Association
Welcome to the FOMS homepage.
Please click the links below to have a look around and find out more about us and how we help Mossbrook's children.
Coming up...
The school winter fair is over two afternoons this year, to make it easier for you to attend with your child - come and join us on:
12th December (Otter, Heron, Woodpecker, Owl, Peacock, Fox, Squirrel and Badger) and
13th December (Robin, Sunshine, Rainbow, Butterfly, Sparrow, Caterpillar, Ladybird, Rabbits, Hedgehogs and Ducklings)
from 1.30pm to 2.30pm!
At Graves Park Christmas market on 14th December, we will be running a Christmas teddy tombola and lucky dip.
Great news: the wonderful people at Sarah Nulty Power of Music Foundation have granted us £750 to pay for our Christmas panto (Oh yes they have!) which all classes will be able to access on Tuesday 17th December at school. Huge thanks to their trustees.
Thank you to all the lovely local businesses and organisations who have given us donations 'in kind' recently. Whether it was a huge pile of chocolate selection boxes or a few bags of sand, we are super grateful!
What are we fundraising for?
Currently we are trying to raise nearly £15,000 to refurbish all our playgrounds, which are in a pretty sorry state.
We've already had KS1 and KS2 yards painted with fun activity markings like hopscotch and duck-duck-goose and the little yard at the Hub has been laid with astroturf to reduce the muddiness. Some beautiful murals have appeared on the walls both inside and out - take a look at the swimming pool now!
Recent Activities
The Great Family Fun Day 2024
Teddy Tombola
We took 50 teddies (all with M-names for Mossbrook) to Crystal Peaks on 29th September and they've all found new homes: awww!
Here's Marmaduke waiting for his turn - I wonder who has this new friend?
Therapy Bunnies
During our 'Secret Life of Pets' topic, all classes had the opportunity to interact with some cuddly therapy rabbits, brought in by the lovely Nichola Habberjam of FourPaws Animal Therapy.
Graves Animal Park Open Day
Over the Easter holidays, we held a tombola stall (with the fantastic donations provided by the school community) in the barn at Graves Park farm. It was super to see some of our children out and about with their families, and we raised nearly £400!
Chocolate Raffle
We hold regular raffles to raise money - here's one of the beautiful chocolate baskets one lucky winner took home at Easter!