Laura Watton
- Strategic direction of school and policies
- Tribunals and consultations
- Staff wellbeing
- Local Authority partnership and improvement work
- Financial management
- Admissions
- Premises and health and safety
- Attendance (staff and pupils)
- Recruitment
- School Improvement Plan and self evaluation form
- HR procedures
- Performance management
- 0.5 Teaching Commitment

Mike Haigh
Deputy Headteacher
- Elm team lead
- Behaviour and welfare
- Team teach tutor
- Parental Engagement
- Designated safeguarding lead
- Pupil Premium and LAC
- Assemblies and festivals
- Pupil voice
- Transition out of school
- Computing lead
- Educational visits and risk assessment lead
- 0.5 Teaching commitment

Lauren Holloway
Deputy Headteacher
- Sycamore team lead
- Curriculum and Assessment
- Evidence for learning
- Induction
- Transition into School
- PSHE lead
- Staff cover
- 0.5 Teaching commitment

Richard Heggarty
Assistant Head Teacher
- Oak Team Lead
- Behaviour and welfare
- PE subject lead
- Wellbeing Lead
- School environment & displays
- 1.0 Teaching commitment
- Enrichment Activities (Cultural Capital)
- Links with wider community and schools

Dawn Mallon
Assistant Head Teacher

- Ash Team Lead
- Curriculum and Assessment
- School based trainees and volunteers
- Induction
- SALT link and communication
- Literacy Lead
- Transition In
- Evidence for learning
- Induction In
- School based trainees
- 1.0 Teaching commitment
- Premises and Finance
- Budget and Spending Plan
- Health and safety
- Admin, catering and premises team lead
- Recruitment process and Payroll
- Invoices
Liz Smith
Budget and Finance Associate